I didn't forget

Dear Blog, I didn't forget about you. It's been 8 months but I got caught up with life and it feels good. We're still far from someday, and it's fine. I guess I'm not looking forward to it anymore, no really.
Well maybe I am, maybe not. I think I realized the value I need to give to life to get it back in return. I'm not looking for an interest, but hey I won't return it if I did.

I recently achieved something good, and felt like I am not that behind now compared to the norm. I even stopped watching anime! (Ok, I got caught up with manhua)

I returned home after I was allowed to work from home, and that helped my savings. I had to let go of my room in the city though. It's the story of our lives, we have to let go of something to get something good.

I couldn't keep up with music, and that's all right. That was something helping the me in myself, and I am with parents now. Though I had to let go my projects as well. I don't know if I could succeed if I tried, but it could hinder my social well-being (got to be the most normal thing I've written in the blog).

Lastly (I'm sure I can write a ton but nothing much comes to mind at the moment, so maybe later), I got to know about my flaw in quite detail. It's not a small one but awareness is a big step in the resolution, or so they say. I'm working on it, I don't know how long it will take or if I can completely resolve it (if I think I did then it would mean I made it even worse)

What I do know is, we have come a long way, and I think I should write more. We're approaching it, and we will, someday.

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